Using the bank draft plan, you will never have to write a check to pay your gas bill. You will always avoid the 10% late charge. For your convenience, Mid-State Energy can set up your account with a bank draft and your bank can make the payments directly from your checking account upon MSE’s request.
You will still be mailed your monthly statement at least 15 days before the due date so that you will know the amount of the draft in advance. Your bank account will be drafted on the due date located on your bill each month.
Please allow 30 days from the time you submit your request for draft service for the sign-up process to be completed. Sign and return the form below with a voided check and each month moving forward, your bank account will be drafted to pay your gas bill until you tell us otherwise.
If you have any questions, please call our office at (478) 654-6059. If you are currently on draft and move to another address or would like to add or delete another address, please call or visit our office. To change bank accounts at any time, simply send in a voided check and advise us in advance of your draft.